“The Locker”
“The Locker” is the central location to easily access, manage, and maintain your coach training and records. The Locker is also where Sask Wrestling will confirm your completed training and coaching certifications, offer sport-specific eLearning, schedule events, and generate reports.

Make Ethical Decisions
The National Coaching Certification (NCCP) offers coaches the opportunity for training and evaluation in ethical decision-making through the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, and online evaluation. A required course for all coaches taking NCCP training.

WCL – Screening
Click below to access the screening procedures and Enhanced Police Information Checks (E-PICs). Required procedure for coaches and officials attending National Events

Responsible Coaching Movement
The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents, and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada – on and off the field of play. Fantastic information for all coaches, clubs and volunteers.

Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
A fantastic resource for topics such as Anti-doping, competition manipulation, ethical sport leadership and “values-based sport”. Includes an updated banned substance list