Coaches Association of Saskatchewan Webinar

Nutrition Helping Performanace During the Female Menstral Cycle

Following our previous series on coaching female athletes, questions flooded in on the role that nutrition can play in helping performance during the menstrual cycle. We are happy to invite coaches to our latest webinar where coaches can partake in a Q & A with experts Heather Hynes and Kelsi Hilderman on these topics.

All Male Coaches that asisst and coach female athletes are strongly encouraged and welcome to attend this webinar

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Presenters: Heather Hynes (MSc, RD, CSSD, HPC), Kelsi Hilderman (BSc. Kin, MPT, CSCS)

PD points: 1 PD point

Platform: Virtual

If you are interested you can register below or please share with your network: